Update (18-07-19): Most unfortunately, my PhD advisor no longer works at the University of Washington, and so this site is no longer available. I didn’t get a mirror up in time. At least I learned a lot about AWS, Docker, and webhosting? Those are all coming in quite handy at my current job.
I’ve been working on a super top secret project for several months now and it’s finally been published, so I can share it with you!
My friends, may I introduce to you Explore Stat Mech! It’s a website where you can (interactively) explore concepts directly related to statistical mechanics (and by proxy, my personal research). Go poke around! You can make movies where atoms will collide. You can change parameters around and see how they affect things in real time.
I’m going to be adding more content over the next few months; hopefully we’ll get some cool stuff about real-world applications of these simulations, the Ising Model, and using linear algebra to make everything much more efficient. Tell your friends! This should turn out to be an excellent resource for learning about this fantastic branch of chemistry!